• Neal's Yard Remedies

Neal's Yard Remedies

I am proud to partner with Neal's Yard Remedies as an independent consultant. 

As a champion for women experiencing their menopausal journey, it has been important for me to feel that I can offer a range of products that are not only organic and ethically sourced, but perfectly suited to the ladies I work with. I have been a fan of NYR for a number of years now since I was introduced to the Women's Balance range. Keeping a Women's Balance Remedies to Roll in my handbag has helped me through some of my more "foggy" days, with the perfect balancing blend of rose, patchouli, geranium orange, clary sage, Spanish marjoram and balsam copaiba to restore my inner rhythms on the go.

You can find out more about the NYR range, the latest offers and how to support your wellbeing and skincare needs with me, here in my cabin, or at my

NYR online store.